Monday, June 2, 2008

Sunny Bag

I finished the June bag last night. Isn't it cheerful? I decided I needed to use it as a purse. It only has a cell phone pocket, though, which isn't enough organization for me. I made a glasses case for my sunglasses, and next weekend I will make an organizer like this one. Isn't that handy? Then I can easily switch from bag to bag to match my shoes, or my mood, or whatever!


Mavie_q said...

the mystery quilt by kos was not bad but just time consuming i think but got top done now i need to finish some tops!!! mavie

Sweet P said...

Love it! It looks very Californian!

Bobbie Bentneedle said...

Aileen, the bag looks like sunshine on a pair of handles. I love it!

carole brungar said...

I love your bag Aileen! It is indeed bright and cheerful! Actually could do with something like that here in NZ at the moment, it's the middle of Winter! :) Carole